Solar Panels

The solar professionals here at Queensland Solar Solutions are proud to offer Australian households their range of industry-leading photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, the core technology in your new solar energy system.

Each panel consists of a series of solar cells that capture the sun’s light, releasing electrons within internal PV conductors generating clean, renewable power for your home and your family.

Selecting the solar panels is usually the most exciting part of the process for many homeowners as it is the most visible structure that will change your roof’s aesthetic. Your solar panels are also representing your commitment to clean energy to your surrounding communit


Solar PV panel partners

The team here at Queensland Solar Solutions have years of collective experience in the solar energy industry. Learn more about our valuable European and Australian solar providers. We are European and Australian specialists, Contact us to learn more about our valuable solar partners

Our solar commitment

We honour our customers right to choose. We can source any product on the market through our diverse solar network and are happy to supply any other solar products our customers have found during their independent research.

We are dedicated to making solar energy accessible and affordable to households Australia wide and strive to supply the best quality products while providing exemplary customer service. Call our passionate team of solar consultants today, and take the first step on your path, to affordable clean, renewable solar energy for your home and family.

looking for home solar energy?

Ready to take the exciting leap to solar energy in your home? Contact our friendly staff today to arrange your free energy assessment.